Healthy chocolate strawberry cake
▶️ Ingredients (serves 4):
- 50g rolling oats
- A whole egg
- 200ml egg whites
- 25g whey protein (chocolate flavoured)
- 1 Tbsp unsweetened raw cocoa powder
- 60g low fat protein yoghurt/ quark
- 4/5 strawberries (sliced)
- Dark chocolate (81% or higher)
- Raspberry jam
- Ceylan cinnamon (as much as you want)
- A dash of coconut oil
➡️ Directions:
1. Add all the ingredients except the strawberries, dark chocolate, jam and coconut oil into a shaker and shake them well.
2. Next, add the coconut oil to a pan on a medium heat and pour in the mixture.
3. Gently push cook portions from edges toward the centre so that uncooked parts can reach the hot pan and gently moving cooked portions as needed.
4. When the top surface is thickened, gently flip the pancake over, using a spatula to ease it over if necessary. Cook for another few minutes.
5. Leave the cake to cold for approximately half an hour. Then, slice the cake horizontally accross the middle creating two equal halves, top and bottom. Spread the jam accross the base half of the cake from the edges to the middle.
6. Meanwhile, melt 3 squares of dark chocolate in the microwave oven. Then, spread the melted chocolate all over the surface of the pancake.
7. Finally, add the sliced strawberries and enjoy!
I promise I'll write another post soon 🙏
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